Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error

Categories blog, code

…and then you decide to submit your app to the app store…


seems that it occurred twice on the 31-12 because of new years I assume and today (31-08) because winter is coming.

just my luck I guess. Maybe monday is better day for app submissions :-)


  • HKGuy
    August 31, 2012

    Hong Kong 31-08-12 same here also

  • Mark
    August 31, 2012

    USA. Same.

  • Michael
    August 31, 2012

    Same in Paris (31/08/2012). Winter is coming =) =). It might be interesting if it is happening in southern hemispher as well !

  • Rijeka2008
    August 31, 2012

    Same here 31.8.2012, I have tough that there is some error in my app, tried with new plist but problem is the same, hope they will fix soon!

  • Lyair1
    August 31, 2012

    israel 31.08 same same….

  • Varadharajan
    August 31, 2012

    Same here 1.9.2012, I read some form its apple server error. We have to wait until its been clear by apple.

  • Mmalik
    August 31, 2012

    Same here UK, Whould call apple but can’t connect. Is apple Sold or what ?>

  • Hardik Mashru
    August 31, 2012

    In India there is same issue! it is 01-09-2012 03:46 AM

  • Mmalik
    August 31, 2012

    issue solved. Everything is gone now. You can successfully submit you app.

  • Anonymous
    September 3, 2012

    Yes, Indeed the submission service is back online. What was that all about!?

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