Select All Friends on Facebook

Categories blog, code, facebook

0I am managing a quite a few Facebook accounts and I was getting tired of outdated chrome/FF plugins. Firefox has been updating itself frequently so most plugins cease to work. Anyhow I thought around this one based on the assumption that “whatever a user can do a script can do better” here goes:

How to select all friends at once to invite friends on Facebook.

  1. Open Google Chrome / Firefox
  2. Go to your event, invite to like your page and generally whatever requires a lot of clicking on check-boxes in order to invite your friends.
  3. Scroll at the bottom of the (pseudo)popup window Facebook generates with all your contact and wait till it has fully loaded.
  4. MAC Users: ⌥⌘J for Chrome and ⌥⌘K for Firefox , WINDOWS Users: CTRL+SHIFT+J (for Chrome), CTRL+SHIFT+K (for FireFox)
  5. The console will appear somewhere on your browser
  6. Paste this line of JavaScript code in the console.
  7. Et Voila, all the checkboxes have been checked :|

javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName(“checkableitems[]”);for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()};

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